watch your back

listen to the NeNet's beat
the tamburinoHaze fume
your mindFusible 'll go bang bang
heat up your neckRotula !!

it's no use to swift aHead
even a moose can smack your ass
you wanna pline the nextWay ??
backHeadEyed mother you needa upperGrade into

listen to the Gurmuru
peasUp n' cloudPierce the karma
your headPullOuter flys high
Black Elk saw you winging redFast

it's no use to swift aHead
even a moose can smack your ass
you wanna pline the nextWay ??
backHeadEyed mother you needa upperGrade into

k'mona light up your spirit
tartarian desert is yours
rollBoard the highGrass plate
for now your yackYard kickRains

it's no use to swift aHead
even a moose can smack your ass
you wanna pline the nextWay ??
backHeadEyed mother you needa upperGrade into

< rossTriller
lost on the plining route ?
handRefrein here >