Welcome to Elliott Arco 2000 WGP - | - © Elliott Tactical (i-Booster)

elliott arco 2000

Elliott Arco 2000 World Grand Prix
ref : ELA2.000

the RACE !!!!

Race did run on feb 11 2000 - 7h30 pm GMT + 1 (Paris france)
Started at 7h30 pm - Ended at 7h31 pm


bet on a Net horse

I.V.G. - nomemory.org 7.pleine-peau
2.BTM 8.Speedy Sand 7777777 (N.Y)
3.[fbwn.ohne*vocer] 9.artform - cybordelics
4.Item : 028 10.Brian Carroll
5.C Dentin 11.Brad Brace
6.sagwarum 12.Katerina Pavlickova

between 7h30 pm and 7h31 pm - feb 11 2000
[ The race has been displayed on palais-tokyo-list - Arco.madrid - El Pais - teleline.es ]
Bookmakers welcome !

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this Elliott Tactical (i-Booster) is a service provided by pavu.com

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the rule is simple :
START : at 7h30 pm, choose a Net horse and CLIC, CLIC, CLIC !! the "RUN" button to make it run !
Each click makes it go further.

at 7h31 pm, the race is over.

The computers of pavu.com calculate the distances ran by each horse and the result will be displayed on the palais tokyo list, and then on this page, showing the winner and his trophy !
[reload this page to access to the trophy page ]



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YOU can follow the whole race at home on palais-tokyo-list !!

this Elliott Arco 2000 WGP Tactical i-Booster appears courtesy pavu.com