autoductique - definition method and process of Plines
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IARD is the facility of autoductique of PAVU arts informative
du iard
- method
- product and tool

the letter of the ceo

Autoductique of Plines

[Arts Instructifs Recherche et Développement] (office of design and ingeniery producing the definitions of the products and the processes of development production of Hardwares and Softwares intend has the production of Plines)
ceo: Paul Dupouy




the word of the ceo

It is here that the Research and Development of the future PLINES of PAVU are carried out.
Not less than 200 engineers put tous les jours their synergistic energies at the service of the creative innovation. They define the future products of PAVU. Develop daring solutions and pérénisables which allows a constant and fast access to best of the innovating products.


Paul Dupouy : ceo de iard

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