Data Head - 6,960 octets
GNou Found Lands
set to french GNou Found Lands - | - - | - store on the NELia market and give the GNou a GNou Found Land !!
[New Eco Logic informative arts] NELia and the GNou Found Lands
GNou Found Lands


campaign : CopyGNou

territories : GNFL

standard unit : Data-Head

market : NELia

Desk Office

the Stores
of the NELia

of the NELia


GNou Found Lands
a Territory ! a Standard Unit ! a Market !

Helping the GNou to live better on a free territory?
Being efficient when fighting attempts to destroy Networked GNou free territories ?
Preventing server space from becoming hunting companies' monopoly ?

This is the challenge launched by

For international solidarity not to be a dull word,
it is necessary to spare for it the most solid ground:

The International Server Space !

Today, you can devote a plot of your server space to the GNou Found Lands and thus prepare your activity to the NELia (New Eco Logic informative arts) market.

Data Head - 6,960 octets

Invest in the Data-Head !
NELia and GNou Found Lands'
Standard Unit

GNou Found Lands